Tempo Ideas

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Cost Tracker Reporting based on billable

The tempo cost tracker reports should default to reporting based on the billable designation within a work log or allow a configuration setting to determine how cost is calculated. Ideally, the reporting view would show:

  1. Cost calculated based on billable x hourly rate

  2. Billable hours

  3. Time spent hours

The reporting does not work for our team if costs are based on total time spent when the billable amount set is what gets sent to and invoiced to our clients.

  • Jesse Hormachea
  • Mar 27 2020
  • Shipped
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Jesse Hormachea commented
    8 Jun, 2020 09:34pm

    Thanks for the turn around on this. Apologies for the lack of feedback on UX/UI.

  • Christopher Castine commented
    3 Jun, 2020 03:20pm

    Hi All, Just a quick update that the Revenue Tracking feature has been shipped and is available now in production. As this is an optional project level feature, you will need to turn it on in the Configuration / Rates page.

    Best Regards,

    Christopher Castine

    Cost Tracker Product Manager

  • Christopher Castine commented
    21 Apr, 2020 01:58am

    Hi All,

    I wanted to provide a quick update on this request. Our team has started designs and expect to release this feature late spring / early summer. We would love to get your feedback on the attached draft mock-ups. If you would like to participate in a UX/UI feedback session, please let us know and we will reach out to you directly.

    Christopher Castine

    Cost Tracker Product Manager