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Track costs by defined Tempo Teams

We would like to track the costs of defined teams in Tempo. What I mean is that I would like to verify the cost and revenue of tasks that were carried out by specific teams.

I want to verify the cost of a given team that works on different projects, e.g. the entire Frontend Team that works on various projects to have defined it in Cost Tracker and see how much a particular team costs and how much will bill for their work per month.

I've checked JQL and I've selected the Tempo Team field, but unfortunately, no entries are displayed. In our projects, it will be difficult to add a Team field per issue, because different teams work on issues.

It would be great if Cost Tracker works like Tempo Planner and that when I select the appropriate team, I could see the people on that team and the associated tasks with the work logs and costs/billing info.

  • Natalia Błoch
  • Jun 20 2023
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Justin Tran commented
    November 01, 2024 20:13

    For work order authorization verification, this is an extremely important function. We imagine it should be simple enough to pull the hourly data from each person for a time period and multiply it by the bill rate.

    Our use case is for one of the largest public sector Atlassian customers who deal with many contracting companies that need this feature.