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Add moved worklogs old worklogid to the deleted worklogs list/table (which can be picked up by the deleted worklogs API)

For our business reporting we pull Tempo worklogs into a central datalake.

We do regular incremental updates of changes due to the size of a the dataset.

We we manage and remove deleted worklogs from the DataLake via the deleted worklogs API.

We have an issue where Moved worklogs between issues get a new worklogID each time but the old worklogID doesn’t show in the deleted worklogs table/api even though it is no longer a valid worklog/ID.

If the moved worklogs old worklogid was added to the deleted worklogs list/table (which can be picked up by the deleted worklogs API) that would resolve this issue.

  • James Webster
  • May 17 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud, On-Premise
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