When we create an account, we have an account name, but we also need to be able to attach an account number. We cannot use the Key field for this because Key is understandably not editable after the account is created - we frequently need to set up accounts prior to receiving an account number from our finance department.
We do not want to use worklog attributes for this, as the people who are actually logging time should not have to know the account number, and since it will be the same across all time logs for a given account, it shouldn't have to be entered with each log.
It would be really helpful to be able to define custom Account attributes that can then be included with timesheet report exports
Tempo Products | Tempo Accounts |
Tempo Platform | Cloud |
I will echo what the others have said. Also our use case would be to reference the total budget of an account so this can be used by automations to prevent users from logging time when the account balance doesn’t allow
This is a really important feature, especially when it's not possible to get an account's creation, update, or start or end date. Accounts with a flat or custom number of hours available, rather than those that have the same amount monthly, are difficult to cater for.
The ability to add descriptions and free note fields would also support accurate reporting
Hey, we also need that, especially so that we can add a description to each account.
We also need custom fields in Account creation form and for these attributes to be included in Timesheet reports.