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Making an update to a worklog that respects the Accounts available to the Issue

When an existing work log is updated with a different issue key, the original Account is retained even if it is unavailable in the newly selected issue's project. The user would instead like either an option to disable the existing behaviour or at least warn that the account is no longer available for the selected issue.

  • Mirushe Redzepovska
  • Aug 18 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Tom Wu commented
      November 26, 2024 08:35

      There is an option in Settings → Logged Time → uncheck Users can move worklogs when accounts are not linked to the destination project. This will validate the account when moving the worklog. Configuring Logging Time Options

    • Patrick Schneider commented
      September 13, 2024 05:06

      +1 this is a major issue for us as well, I am wasting a lot of time "cleaning up" wrong accounts when users are booking time this way.

    • Daniel Bekesi commented
      September 03, 2024 10:56

      +1, please implement some guardrails to prevent users from booking on accounts not associated with a given project. This is a very unintuitive and risky behaviour. Thank you.

    • Guest commented
      September 03, 2024 10:50

      We spend at least 1 man-day every month correcting the problems cause by this logic in Tempo. Users often change the logs (and it's reasonable user behaviour), sometimes transferring hours from one project to another. Due to the current logic in Tempo, the account field remains the same, and it results in messy data where some projects end up in the wrong accounts (that have never been associated with these projects). We have to clean the data every month. It's an unnecessary effort and really not through-through logic from Tempo. Please, either advise users that they need to change the account or forbid to save the edit if the selected account is actually not linked with the project.

    • David Bruce commented
      January 24, 2024 05:22

      This is a major issue for us, as it allows individual users to circumvent the rules we have around which Accounts are available in each Project.

      We end up with a scenario where people have time logged in a Project against a random unconnected Account.

    • Tom P commented
      August 25, 2023 16:27
      Although retaining the original Account when modifying a worklog is considered a feature within the documention, for many users this will present itself as a bug. Allowing users to easily log time against invalid Accounts has massive operational impacts, particularly if some form of bulk operation is performed, resulting in a significant number of worklogs getting charged to invalid accounts. Ideally, there would be an option to simply block this behaviour with only managers able to edit worklogs and retain 'invalid' Accounts.