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Consider work already logged when initially calculating the remaining from original estimate

When time has already been logged on an issue, but the original estimate is only filled in later, Tempo then starts to calculate the remaining estimate upon the next worklog item being added (unless a new value was explicitly entered in the dialog). However, Tempo does not substract the time already logged on the issue from the original estimate to get the initial remaining estimate. We even have cases where the work logged already exceeded the original estimate at the time it was first set – the remaining estimate should then have been 0 since it cannot be negative.

I wish Tempo Timesheets was triggered whenever the original estimate is first set, so it could update the remaining estimate immediately. (I guess this could also be done with Jira Automation, but this would require many runs counting against the monthly quota.)

  • Christoph Päper
  • Sep 21 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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