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Plan issues from time remaining

The issues are now planned based on the "Original estimate", not considering the time already spent on the issue.

Tempo has information of both the Original estimation and the time that has been spent working on the task. From these two the Tempo stores information about the Remaining time.

Usually, we work on issues that are planned over several weeks and that have a considerable amount of hours.

The Planner is not useful if it does not take into account the Remaining hours. So that the planned time is what is still pending to do and not the original estimate.

For example, say we have an issue over two weeks of 20h (10 days), and it is planned to be distributed proportionally day by day. The user the first day has worked 8h, the planner should distribute that the 12h remaining into 9 days. If the first week the user has already logged 15h of work, the following week only 5h have to be distributed over the 5 remaining days.

That is the issue that currently is crucial for our organization to not use Tempo Planner. If the time remaining is not considered when planning, then plans are not reliable.

  • Anna De Castellarnau
  • Nov 28 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Christoph Päper commented
    19 Mar, 2024 05:01pm

    Since early 2024, Tempo admins can enable the two-way synchronization of Planner and Jira fields. In many scenarios it may be usefult to set Planned Time = Remaining Estimate.

  • Hennie Warnich commented
    12 Feb, 2024 06:25am

    Strongly agree with this...Original time is only useful before you start your Sprint..then you work on remaining time and one should be able to toggle between two as and when required.