Tempo Ideas

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Ability to track flextime hours

Would like to be able to automatically track the accumulation of Flex time . Eg if you have 37.5 hours week workload then you are able to accrue flex time if you work over 38.5 hours (starts accruing after you do an extra hour in a week).

Also need the ability to decrement flex (e.g. a flex Leave work log).

There is most likely also the need for a management / adjustments view that allow flex to be manually changed for tracking errors of flextime that "timesout/expires".

It would be possible to have something simple on the timesheet view that is just a plus and minus hours tracker that you can post when you post your timesheet for the week. Therefore it would just be a variable and UI element to see the previous value and the adjustment value for the week. Then behind the scenes it can keep a log of the changes. Simple really.

  • Egon Kuster
  • Jun 23 2020
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    5 Mar, 2024 09:54pm

    Any news on this?