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Create "No Account" group in reports for unaccounted hours

Timesheets 10.8 version revamped Tempo Reports, and Tempo customers lost the "No account" grouping function in Tempo reports.

If user create report group by account, there would be helpful to group unaccounted hours into a "No account" group. This way Tempo account manager could check easier unaccounted worklogs at the end of a period.

Please note, that Tempo documentation still refers to this function as it would be working, but unfortunately it does not:


  • Marton Lipcsik
  • Aug 5 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Marton Lipcsik commented
    December 10, 2021 09:42

    I add further requests to my idea:

    User friendly option would be, if user set up Tempo with Account work attribute, then user could select in Reports, if user wants the Group by Account on issue level or on worklog level,

    Now Tempo groups by default on issue level, which means unaccounted worklogs are grouped under the account connected to the issue. But if user use Tempo with Account work attribute, than Account is specified on worklog level and not on issue level.

    If worklog is created before issue gets the account, the worklog is unaccounted. I want this unaccounted worklog to be grouped under "No account" group, and not under the account of the issue.

    But this unaccounted worklog is grouped under the account, which is set on the issue. This group by method is confusing, the report shows the worklog under the account, despite the worklog is unaccounted.

    Considering unaccounted worklog as accounted if issue has an account is confusing.