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Make historical data on workload accessible

For reporting reasons it would be great to get access to the historical data on workload assignments (secure/Tempo.jspa#/settings/workloads). At the moment only the currently assigned workload-scheme is visible, we'd like know when an employee changed from 80% to 100% to 30%, i.e. during partial paternal leaves or the like. Are there any plans to extend this similar to team-assignments (i.e. date-based)?

  • Guest
  • Apr 21 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Garion Chaffe commented
      October 02, 2024 12:41

      An update on this would be appreciated, as it was mentioned as 'likely to implement' back in 2020. If someone changes hours, it compromises all of the historic data we have against them, which is frustrating.

    • Florian Buhl commented
      September 20, 2024 21:30

      would be highly appreciated to see this on the roadmap!

    • Taras Tsiutsyk commented
      January 09, 2024 15:17

      We need this as well!

    • Pavel Parma commented
      December 07, 2023 12:30

      We are In need for this too as we are trying to measure real and planned utilisation of our resources and the accurate available capacity over time is crucial for such reporting and monitoring.

    • Simon Sahli commented
      November 07, 2023 08:52

      We have based our Flex time (over- under time) based on the Tempo data and changes in workload can mess this up. So if we could just have a date when a user changes from one workload scheme to another then this would help us a lot.

    • Marcel Bernhardt commented
      August 10, 2023 06:17

      This has been a big problem for us for years.

      Parental leave, adjustment of the weekly working time by changing the working time model, as well as the holidays would have to be fixed for the past.

      It regularly shatters our data and overtime, which is very much against Tempo and has often caused resentment.

      We need really this function.

    • Michael Mohr commented
      July 27, 2023 10:19

      Unbelievable that historic workload reports will be wrong. This is a big problem for us, as currently many workload scheme changes was necessary.

    • Volker Heim commented
      July 19, 2023 09:53

      We urgently need this functionality. Hope this will be implemented soon

    • Alexandre Allart commented
      June 21, 2023 15:19


      Do you have any news about this feature?

      Best regards,

    • Dan Lemon commented
      January 11, 2023 16:08

      Is this something that can be built for the Cloud version?

    • Volker Heim commented
      December 16, 2022 14:12

      For us this is really an important functionality for the Review Reporting (e.g. look back and find out about how many projects whre overbooked based on the settings at that time.

    • Guest commented
      October 18, 2022 08:32

      What happened to the implementation of the idea?

      Currently there is no start-/end date for workload configurations.

      Best regards,.

      Benny Nestler

    • Teresa Hornung commented
      December 06, 2021 20:30

      its exactly the same. We are working with working students and freelancers and the capacity differs from time to time (e.g. working students normally work 20h / weeek, during semester break they can work up to 40h/ week or with freelancer they sometimes work 16h/ week and in project peaks they support us up to 40h/ week). It would be great to get that update !

    • Daniel Lowe commented
      September 17, 2021 00:14

      To be honest I'm not sure this idea will help in my situation for Planner, I'm wanting to report at a team level going forward but adding a leaving date to an employee only removes them if the reporting period doesn't include any dates they're available.

      Seems like quite a flaw in reporting for Planner

    • Daniel Lowe commented
      September 16, 2021 23:57

      This impacts Planner reporting also per

      it makes the planner reporting looking forward at capacity almost useless from x date forward without being able to end date a workload for a specific team member as the Required hours and Planned % data is incorrect where someone is not available from x date.

    • Tilman Muerle commented
      March 25, 2021 07:45

      Is there any update on this?

    • Guest commented
      November 09, 2020 15:57

      Would really be great to also have a column with the sum of all the overtime accumulated through the different months, without having to do it manually after the export.

    • Jeff Schumacher commented
      May 11, 2020 18:20

      This comment applies more to the 3 "merged" ideas attached to this idea. When we moved from monthly to weekly time reporting, tempo "reopened" all the previously submitted/approved timesheets. This caused a HUGE amount of confusion and I had to write code to resubmit/approve all time sheets back to the beginning of the year.

    • Hlynur Johnsen commented
      April 22, 2020 18:06

      Thanks for the feedback!

      We are currently looking into adding support for start and end dates of workload and holiday schemes which would allow for accurate historical reporting on worklog data. At the moment I do not have an ETA, but I'm updating the status of this idea to "likely to implement".


      Hlynur Johnsen

      Group Product Manager - Tempo for Jira

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