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Replace Original Estimate to Remaining estimate for creating plan in Tempo

Hi team,

I'm currently using Jira Plans (Advanced Roadmaps) for setting Due dates, Assignees and Estimates for all tasks. I find Plans to be easier for users to update the all the fields in one go, rather going into each project and updating individual tasks, which is time consuming.

From Tempo's document on how to create a plan - Creating Plans from Jira issues there are 3 mandatory fields that needs to be updated - Due date, Assignee and Original estimates.

Can you replace the Original estimate field to Remaining estimate, the reason for this is that Jira plans only allows updates the remaining estimate section when we update the Estimates field in Plans and there’s no workaround to change this (confirmed by Jira).

Updating the Original estimate for each task is a time consuming process for all our users and Jira plans is an easier and quicker way to do it.

So Is there a way for Tempo to pull data from Remaining estimate rather than Original estimate when creating a plan in Resource planner?

  • Surya Durai
  • Oct 28 2021
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
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