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Approval Workflows

We have people who work across multiple customer projects (these are sometime tracked in individual Jira projects, or in a consolidated Jira project for smaller ones) as well as doing work on internal items.

The fact that timesheet submission is currently one per person per week for to one approver means that we have to manage our approvals outside of Tempo and will eventually lead to us moving away from the Tempo solution all together as we scale.

As an example of a scenario that is very common and I think demonstrates why our Tempo implementation has generated the need for a lot of manual processes.

  1. Individual works on 2 customer projects (X and Y) and spends time on an internal initiative (Z).

  2. Each of projects X and Y have to be approved by a project manager as they are the one who is responsible for customer billing.

  3. Z needs to be approved by the person's line manager.

The above example is a very simple one, but we could also easily imagine scenarios where there needs to be multi-level approvals e.g. where the project manager is the first line approver, but then either a line manager or customer / business manager is the second line approval across either a number of customers or their whole team.

A quick Google will throw up plenty of examples of how timesheet approval workflow is implemented in other tools and I think it's lack is a major limitation of Tempo.

  • Daniel McGuinness
  • Aug 9 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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