I have a question regarding approval of TS in Jira Cloud. Imagine we have two projects, and each of them has its own project manager. We have a developer working 20 hours on first project, and 20 hours on second project. But from my point of view jira allows me to submit and then approve only the whole 40 hours, which does not work for our company. We need the option, that one PM approve 20 hours and the second one approve the other 20 hours. Is there any solution to this?
Thank vou very much!
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Hello everyone, an update: we've introduced a Project Approvals feature directly in Timesheets, which is now available in TempoLab, our early access program, for you to test!
You can now set up Tempo Projects – whose scopes can be JQL filters, Jira epics, Jira projects, or structures – to approve the hours that matter to you. This new feature allows project managers to approve or reject hours independently from each other. However, please note that project approvals cannot be decoupled from the timesheet approval at this stage.
Register for TempoLab: https://help.tempo.io/timesheets/latest/tempolab
Learn more about the feature: https://help.tempo.io/timesheets/latest/project-approvals
We're excited for you to be among the first to try the feature, and look forward to your feedback.
Thank you,
Kathryn Vargas
Tempo Product Management
How can this feature be shipped? Is it already there?
Is there any news on when this will be available in tempo timesheets?
Thanks to everyone who has booked a call with us so far. We understand most of you might not have the time, so we've prepared this short survey. If you have two minutes to spare, we'd appreciate your feedback at this stage to help us shape and prioritize the right improvements.
Best regards,
Kathryn Vargas
Tempo Product Management
Hello all – we're now actively working on building this feature in Timesheets and would love to learn more about your use cases. If you have time for a quick call, we hope you find a slot here.
Looking forward to speaking with a few of you, and we'll keep you all posted on our development.
Thank you,
Kathryn Vargas
Tempo Product Management
Hello Sam,
Thank you for your feedback. As this particular idea’s solution has been shipped in Cost Tracker, we encourage you to vote for this idea that aims to deliver the solution within Timesheets.
Regarding the theme of "notification" – which is a separate feature request also under consideration – we encourage you to upvote these existing related ideas, or raise new ones that others haven't covered yet.
Inbox for approvals and notifications
View to see all timesheets for review / approval
Thank you,
Kathryn Vargas
Tempo Product Management Team
I'm not sure how this is truly "Shipped" given that the approval doesn't actually DO anything.
It does not NOTIFY the supervisor of approval or rejection.
It does not NOTIFY the submitter if their time has been approved or rejected.
It ONLY notifies the Project Manager to review time, that said, if it doesn't close the loop on at least the rejection side what purpose does it serve?
Are their any "ideas" or updates on when this feature may be completed in terms of closing the loop?
Hi Hubert,
This feature is available for everyone to use outside of tempolab as well. Please refer to this documentation. Feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any questions.
Sourabh Jagavkar,
Tempo Product Management Team
Hi Sourabh,
what is the status here, I registered for tempo lab, but can't see the feature there.
Hi All,
This feature is now available in TempoLabs fro you all to try it out. If you have any feedback about it or if you'd like to chat with me about specific use case or anything vital associated with this feature you can book a meeting with me here.
Sourabh Jagavkar,
Tempo Product Management Team
This feature will be cloud only to begin with.
Hello Sourabh Jagavkar,
Will this feature be available for Data Center/Server as well? Because apparently, “Cost Tracker” is only available for Jira Cloud.
We have been waiting for these feature like forever now. the lack of this feature makes Tempo timesheet useless for big organizations only suitable for small business enterprise.
How to do I Vote for this. This feature is really important to submit timesheet for my org. we work with project / account approval and not team and individual approvals
Hello All,
This feature is currently being worked on. Cost Tracker is our project management and finance focused app and this feature will be available in conjunction with Timesheets within Cost Tracker. Refer to the attached mockups.
Prior to General Availability of this feature, it will be available in Tempo lab later this year. Please reach out to us if you have any questions and feel free to add comments on this idea.
Sourabh Jagavkar,
Tempo Product Management Team
Also in our company (~2000 active Tempo Timesheets users) we require this functionality.
Any update from Tempo side on this functionality?
we have the exact same issue it is very important to approve cross project time sheets from different approvers
We have the exact same scenario...
@Tempo Team - Any update on this feature ? This is a must to have feature, As a standard practice approvals are based on Projects rathe than teams.