The ability to report on Tempo Trackers that have not yet been submitted is a critical feature to ensure that all tracked time is accounted for and is submitted in a timely manner.
Users regularly switch between multiple different trackers throughout the day. If they're working on multiple issues for multiple projects, and either inadvertently close browser windows, or they experience a browser crash, the only way to find these unsubmitted trackers is to open every issue for which they potentially had started a tracker.
We consistently find that users return to a ticket at a subsequent date and find a potentially weeks old tracker that was never submitted, and can no longer be submitted either because period has already been closed, or worse, because the client has already been invoiced. This is lost income for our resources and lost revenue for our business. Please implement this key feature.
Tempo Products | Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Reports |
Tempo Platform | Cloud |
I am amazed that a time tracking tool does not have the ability report on unsubmitted reporting. This is litreally a core feature every other TC tool I have ever used has. It needs to be implemented asap!