Tempo Ideas

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Auto refresh of Tempo Planner changes and alerts

We use planner extensively across the entire organisation. If a change is made to the planned week, 2 things should happen:

  • resource is altered of change

  • It is reflected on the board to all to see without a hard refresh

Many of us leave our planners open all day but if someone else makes a change it is not reflected without a refresh which causes confusion and miscommunication.

It would be amazing if this was a feature.


  • Amanda Bolton
  • Apr 13 2021
  • Unlikely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Matt Smith commented
    5 Jul, 2023 04:29pm

    We have a scenario similar that it will keep all plans on page blank if you move plans left or right.
    Auto refresh may help this too !!

    *Anyone else have this issue ?


  • Guest commented
    30 Jan, 2023 09:10am

    Totally agree, it causes a lot of confusion when you have 3+ people editing the planner and have to hard refresh constantly.