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Account mapping should not change for worklogs in a closed period

Consider the following scenario:

  • JIRA issues configured with Tempo Account field, which is used to reference the account where all worklogs of that issue are accounted for.

  • Period management used to close past periods and prevent past (in closed periods) worklogs being created/updated

This also works well, however we have found that if someone changes the account on an issue, of course this means all the worklogs for that issue, including those in past periods, are now moved to the new account. Thus effectively changing an account for a past period.

The work around is to implement the account field on worklog level as well, and this is defaulted on creating a worklog if the issue has an account. All worklogs with a date in a closed period are not editable, effectively making the account on the worklog non editable if the period is closed.

This partially resolves the issue, but introduces another. As the Log Time screen (used to create the worklog) displays the account field as an editable field. This allows the user to potentially override the account i.e. choose an Account which is not set in its parent Issue.

This could be resolved by making the Log Time screen configurable, such as being able to (optionally) setup a work attribute of type account, and to restrict its values to those of the Account in the parent Issue. Editing the worklog would refresh that values available in the worklog Account based on the current value of Issue Account.

This would enable "freezing the worklog account" for a closed period, and controlling what Account can be used by the worklog by limiting it to that of the issue it is being created in.

Ideally the account on worklog should be editable by users with "manage worklogs" permission. and the ability to do so en mass would make the process perfect (https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/ETS-I-11)

  • Nicholas Tsiroyiannis
  • Jun 16 2021
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Accounts
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