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Allow users on 0 x hour workloads to book hours against multiple days from the timesheet view without having to check the "Include non working days" option in the dialog box

From the timesheet view, users can select multiple days and will be presented with a dialog with date and end date automatically set. This can be used to book repeating hours across multiple days for the same Jira issue.

If the user has a 0 x hour workload assigned, she must check the "Include non-working days" option within the dialog for the hours to be added to the timesheet. There are valid reasons why someone may have a 0 x hour workload assigned e.g. flexible number of hours which need to be booked in each period.

It would make more logical sense if this check failed only when the days are defined as non-working from the assigned holiday calendar.

  • Gilbert Buchan
  • Apr 5 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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