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Get info about a deleted worklog

I have a use case that needs the author of a worklog that is being deleted:

We have people that have night shifts, for this they get 8 hours per week (if not called upon) and they also get to spend the worked hours (as time for time). For this I added a checkbox as workattribute and when the log hours in the evening/weekend they need to use that. When they do then automation will add the hours on the remaining estimate of an internal ticket. This internal ticket is used when they want to log free time.

This works well for adding and adjusting worklogs, because I can query the Tempo API to show me which user it was and add the time for time to their personal ticket.

But when a worklog is deleted, I can't query the Tempo API, since the worklog does not exist anymore. The '{{worklog}}' variable of Jira automation will have 'Tempo Timesheet' as author, so I don't know which user removed the worklog. Hence I want to have a way to know which user logged the time.

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  • Oct 7 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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