Tempo Ideas

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Link Logged time to more issues

Dear Tempo Team,

We face the following challenge:

Within our contract to out customer, we sell e.g. "Service Fee for Customizing" and we need to book time against this position due to the billing process.

On the other hand site we have e.g. three work packages like

  • Customize interfaces

  • Customize plugin

  • Customize permissions

We want to see the time spent for work packages and for sure the logged time against the service fee.

Our idea would be, that a user can log work against only one issue (like today) but can create a link towards another issue.

In this use case: Log work against the ticket for the service fee and link the time spent to interfaces as a work ticket.

Best regards

  • Nicole Brückner
  • Jan 11 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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