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Display the original estimate hours

We have created a task in Jira and assigned it to Mr. X and kept the start date as 19’th April and the end date as 30’th April and given Original estimate of 60 hours which means we are trying to allocate Mr.X 6h a day for 10 days in a specific project, so that we can use the remaining 3h for another project in the same duration (19’th Apr - 30’th Apr)

Later I opened Tempo and chosen the import option, there I am able to see the record and selected it for import, after doing this in the Resource Planning screen it was displayed with 59h 59m where the start date and end dates getting auto-adjusted(21 Apr - 29’th Apr) rather considering the Jira original dates(19’th Apr - 30’th Apr)

Its auto adjusting the hours insterd considering the original estimate from Jira board.

I have recently raised a ticket for the same, they told this is currently not available and ask me to log this in the Tempo Ideas portal.

Ticket ID: TCS-27639

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Marcos Milanesio commented
      May 11, 2023 21:08

      We need in Resource Planner to add:

      Only one custom field called: “Cantidad presupuestada” (budgeted amount - contains total hours sold)

      Or… the Jira Field “Original estimate” (we can complete it by Jira automation with budgeted amount)