Tempo Ideas

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Time Tracker for Tempo Hide Button

I like using the "Time tracker for Tempo" Browser Extension. It really helps to give me that extra nudge I sometimes need to remember to switch my trackers when switching tasks. I just have one suggestion. Currently the only way to hide the trackers on screen is to use the extension button in the browser tool bar. If there was an option to hide them from the tracker itself, then that would be a huge help. Or even a way to choose where it lives on the screen. The problem for me with its current location is that it almost always hides a button that would collapse a menu on the right-hand side. Think tool bars in diagram apps, or the side bar built into Gmail that shows other g-suite apps. This makes it a three-step process to hide the tracker and then hide/show the panel, then re-enable showing the tracker. If the pop-up menu that allows you to set the issue you're working on, and add a description, had a button to hide temporarily, or just hide that would save a few clicks.

  • Ryan Greene
  • May 15 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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