Tempo Ideas

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Download Account PDF Reports - option to get both worked and billable hours in one report

We use the zipped reports of all accounts regarding the worklogs of a defined time period (Tempo -> Reports -> [3 dots in upper right corner] -> Download Account PDF Reports ). In the Download Dialog we can choose to export either "worked hours" or "billable hours".

We would appreciate if there was a third option to get both "worked hours" and "billable hours" in one report.

We use these reports as an attachment for the invoices for our customers, so to say as a justification of the amount of the invoice. We would like the customers to be able to see whenever we have worked longer on an issue, but for some reasons only bill part of the time.

  • Felix Franke
  • Sep 9 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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